Effortless DevOps: Automate Tasks with Python Scripts

In the realm of DevOps, the methodology places a strong emphasis on automating recurring tasks across the software development lifecycle. As a DevOps professional, it's crucial to equip yourself with the expertise needed to automate frequently recurring processes.

Python earns its place as the top choice among DevOps engineers thanks to its robust library support and beginner-friendly learning curve. This proves especially beneficial, given that numerous DevOps experts come from non-development backgrounds, making Python the ideal tool for optimizing DevOps procedures.

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Role of Automation in DevOps

Critically, automation serves as a linchpin within the DevOps framework, as it eradicates the need for repetitive, time-consuming operational tasks. In the realm of DevOps, the streamlined automation of build processes, deployments, packaging, and testing is pivotal to the successful implementation of DevOps methodologies. Without automation, the core essence of DevOps, characterized by its agility and efficiency, would be incomplete

  • Accelerated Delivery: Automation expedites the development and deployment pipeline, allowing for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD). This means that code changes can be tested, integrated, and deployed faster, reducing time-to-market ensuring customer satisfaction.
  • Consistency and Reproducibility: Configurations, setups, and deployments are consistent and reproducible across various environments. This minimizes the "it works on my machine" dilemma, resulting in fewer errors and smoother deployments.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Promotes collaboration between development and operations teams by codifying infrastructure and deployment processes. This shared understanding fosters cross-functional communication and alignment.
  • Improved Efficiency: Repetitive and time-consuming manual tasks are prone to errors and inefficiencies. Automation takes over these tasks, freeing up human resources to focus on more creative and strategic work.
  • Error Reduction: Automation reduces human errors by automating routine processes, reducing the risk of misconfigurations, security vulnerabilities, and other common issues.
  • Monitoring and Alerts: Automation can continuously monitor system performance and generate alerts for potential issues. It can even initiate predefined responses or remediations, reducing downtime and ensuring system reliability.
  • Risk Mitigation: Automation helps organizations reduce risks associated with manual interventions. With automation, processes can be standardized and tested thoroughly, reducing the likelihood of unexpected failures.

Why Python?

In the dynamic world of DevOps, choosing the right programming language can significantly impact your workflow and productivity. Python stands out as the top choice for DevOps practitioners for several compelling reasons:

  • Rich Library Support: Python boasts an extensive library ecosystem that covers a wide range of tasks and functionalities. This wealth of libraries simplifies and accelerates development, allowing DevOps teams to create efficient and scalable solutions.
  • Cloud SDK Availability: Python is the language of choice for many cloud service providers, including AWS, Azure, and Kubernetes. These platforms offer Python SDKs, making it seamless to integrate and automate cloud-related tasks within your DevOps processes.
  • Widely Supported SDKs: Python enjoys widespread support across major cloud providers, ensuring that DevOps professionals have access to the tools and resources they need to manage and optimize their cloud infrastructure effectively.
  • Low Learning Curve: Python's syntax is intuitive and easy to grasp, making it an ideal choice for DevOps practitioners, even those with limited programming experience. The low learning curve accelerates the adoption of Python for automating DevOps tasks.
  • DevOps Friendly: Python aligns perfectly with the principles of DevOps. Its simplicity, readability, and extensive community support foster collaboration among team members, allowing them to work seamlessly on automation and infrastructure as code projects.
  • Error Prevention and Robustness: When it comes to scripting in DevOps, Python offers a significant advantage over traditional shell scripting. While shell scripts can be powerful, they are often more error-prone due to their syntax complexities and limited error handling capabilities. Python, on the other hand, has a more structured and clear syntax, reducing the chances of errors and making code easier to maintain.

Because of the factors mentioned earlier, I've converted many of the shell/bash scripts to Python. This strategic move has been driven by the need for improved error handling and the desire to tap into Python's vast ecosystem of libraries and tools, which offer enhanced support and capabilities for streamlining various DevOps tasks.

Where to Start for Python?

Understanding that Python operates as an interpreted language, where each statement is executed sequentially, similar to a shell script. Python offers a powerful alternative to traditional shell or bash scripting.

  • Start Small, Automate Big: Begin your Python journey by crafting small scripts that can automate your everyday tasks, gradually building your proficiency and automation capabilities.
  • Elevate with Python: Whenever you encounter a scenario where you'd typically write a shell script, consider opting for Python instead. Python's versatility empowers you to tackle tasks more efficiently.
  • Go OOP with Python: Take your Python skills to the next level by diving into Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) with Python. After becoming proficient in Python scripting, consider exploring the world of OOP and delve into frameworks like Django and Flask.

The Python documentation serves as a valuable resource for those looking to learn Python. Additionally, you can further your Python education by exploring websites like learnpython.org and W3Schools' Python tutorials.

Freecodecamp offers excellent Python resources, including basic tutorials and free courses to help you get started with Python.

How to Start with Python?

Getting started with Python requires a fundamental setup on your Windows, Mac, or Linux environment. You can install Python using your package manager, and start crafting scripts and applications.

Install Python


  • Open Terminal and run: brew install python3 (requires Homebrew)
  • Python 3 will be installed, and you can access it using the python3 command.


  • Download the Python 3 installer from the official website.
  • Run the installer, check the "Add Python to PATH" option, and follow the installation instructions. You can then use the python command to access Python 3.

Linux (Ubuntu/Debian):

  • Open Terminal and run: sudo apt-get update
  • Then install Python 3 with pip: sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
  • You can access Python 3 using the python3 command.

Note: Python and Python 3 are different versions, and Python 3 is recommended for most development, as it is the latest and actively maintained version. Be aware that some systems may have Python 2 as the default, so use python3 explicitly when working with Python 3.

Install venv package(if not already installed)

The venv package is essential for establishing isolated virtual environments in Python. This approach ensures that each project or automation you undertake operates within its distinct environment, eliminating the need to repeatedly install or update packages for individual projects.

  • The venv package is included in Python 3.3 and later, so you typically don't need to install it separately.
  • To check if it's installed, open Command Prompt and run python3 -m venv --help. If it displays the venv options, it's installed, you can skip to next steps.

Create and Activate Virtual env

A virtual environment encompasses libraries, executable binaries, and supporting packages, making it essential to keep these files separate from your Git repository.

  • Choose a directory located outside your repository to store the virtual environment files.
  • To create a virtual environment, navigate to your preferred location and execute python3 -m venv myenv, replacing myenv with your chosen environment name.
  • The resulting files will be stored within the myenv directory.
  • After the virtual environment is created, activate it using the command source myenv/bin/activate. This activation provides access to customized binaries for your environment.

Start creating Scripts

With your virtual environment successfully created and activated, you gain the freedom to commence your project and install any required packages without concerns about potential conflicts with other projects.

When installing or updating packages using the pip install command, it's prudent to simultaneously execute pip freeze > requirements.txt. This action generates a requirements.txt file, capturing essential information about dependent packages. Remember to commit this file to your Git repository for comprehensive project documentation and collaboration.


Using Python for DevOps automation streamlines tasks that can be complex to manage with shell scripts. Python's extensive package ecosystem offers flexibility in selecting packages tailored to your specific needs. Many of these packages integrate seamlessly with popular DevOps tools, complemented by official Python SDKs, enhancing the ease and extensibility of automations.

  • JenkinsAPI - JenkinsAPI is a Python package that facilitates interactions with Jenkins, simplifying automation and orchestration tasks within Jenkins pipelines and jobs.
  • Kubernetes Python Client - The official Kubernetes Python SDK is designed for working with Kubernetes, offering extensive capabilities to manage containerized applications and Kubernetes infra.
  • AWS SDK for Python - The official AWS Python SDK provides programmatic access to Amazon Web Services, enabling users to manage cloud resources and services with ease.
  • Azure SDK for Python - The official Azure SDK for Python offers programmatic access to the Azure cloud, empowering users to create, configure, and manage resources and services within the Azure ecosystem.